The Conjuring4.5 out of 5
Horror movies create the best movie going experience, where your eyes want to shut, but your heart wants to continue seeing being totally engrossed in it. After a long while, The Conjuring delivers that. Read More |
The Wolverine3.5 out of 5
The Wolverine is James Mangold finest work after a stupid blunder called Knight & Day. You will invariably draw comparisons with X-Men : Wolverine (2009), & will rate this movie a tad below than its predecessor but stand alone this movie is worth watching. Read More |
Pacific Rim1.5 out of 5
One of the most hyped, most popular action film this summer failed to impress me. I checked my ticket stud to see if by mistake I have not purchased ticket of a rerun of Transformers ! Too much CGI of robots or Jaegers and dragons or Kaiju just out of Harry Potter series. Read More |